PBL: A Book About Me! Day 6

Date: 11th August 2022; Thursday.
Priyanka, Auindrilla, Sonai, Sanmoyee, Anupriya and Nikita.
Ayansh, Hazzel, Maryam, Meher, Rishit, Sharlav, Shivansh, Shivanyaa, Vaanya, Viaan, Yuvaan (Mehra).
Tags: understanding the self, imagination, roleplay, pbl.

Welcome to Part 6 of our PBL series, ‘A Book About Me’!
Our Arthlings are diving deeper and deeper in their voyage of self-exploration! In the very first part of this series, they studied their reflections to create a portrait of their outsides. However, in this instalment, they will be holding a mirror to their inner selves — and creating a portrait of their insides!


The activity was divided into the following steps:

1. Mask-making: Blank masks were created by cutting ovals in brown card, making holes for eyes, and attaching ribbons for fastening. These were assembled in trays, along with soft pastels and stickers for decoration.

2. A Journey of Imagination with Pogo the Magician: A magician's hat was made out of glitter foam sheets. Magna Tiles and wooden blocks were kept ready as props.


Mask-making: After Work Time, the children gathered around the tables with Sonai Didi and Auindrilla Didi. The facilitators showed them masks that they had made for themselves. They invited each Arthling to imagine a character of their own, and create a mask for it! The children picked up their soft pastels, and began designing!
Superheroes served as an inspiration for many. Shivansh used red and orange, and made an ‘Orange Spiderman’. Vaanya initially imagined a dinosaur, but then named her mask ‘Butterfly’. She used pink as the base and decorated her mask with a multitude of stickers! Sonai Didi also made a mask along with the Arthlings! Yuvaan (Mehra) named Sonai Didi’s mask ‘Bhootu’, and his own mask, ‘Bhoot’. Rishit designed a blue mask which he named ‘Tiger’.

The Arthlings begin colouring their masks.

Rishit chooses to start with blue, while Shivansh starts with red.

Rishit and Shivansh cover their masks with colour!

On the other table, Maryam used pink soft pastel to make a ‘Monster Mask’. Meher experimented with blending the soft pastels. She mixed blue with red to create a ‘blue mix’. Shivanyaa used pink on her mask and named it ‘Habu’!

Auindrilla Didi shows the Arthlings her mask!

Sharlav and Maryam start colouring.

Ayansh and Meher blend colours!

Shivanyaa chooses bright pink for her mask.

‘Monster Mask’ by Maryam.

‘Tiger’ by Rishit.

‘Bhoot’ by Yuvaan (Mehra).

‘Orange Spiderman’ by Shivansh.

A mask by Viaan.

‘Butterfly’ by Vaanya.

A Journey of Imagination with Pogo the Magician: When the Arthlings had finished making their masks, everyone gathered around the table with Priyanka Didi. She asked all the Arthlings what masks they had made. Some of the Arthlings used their imaginations to find new names for their masks! Yuvaan (Mehra) called his mask the ‘Hulk’ while Rishit renamed his mask ‘Spider’!
Then Priyanka Didi wore an ombre mask, a glittery purple hat, and — presto! She transformed! She asked the Arthlings if they knew her name.
”Priyanka Didi?” guessed the Arthlings.
But no, this was someone else… Pogo the Magician! Pogo, the Magician said they would take the children to another world: a world of magic! Pogo said the children were capable of magic too — all they had to do was to wave their hands and say the magic words! Then they could transform a block, or a Magna Tile, into whatever they wanted! The Arthlings each took turns transfiguring Magna Tiles and blocks into something else. One Magna Tile turned into food: a pizza slice! A block turned into a lion and a tiger!

Sanmoyee Didi assists Meher with her mask.

Shivansh puts his Spiderman mask on!

Hazzel peeks from beneath her mask.

Vaanya strikes a pose for the camera!

Who is that? It’s Sonai Didi as ‘Bhootu’!

Priyanka Didi disappears…

…And comes back as Pogo the Magician!

Shivanyaa and Sharlav waiting for the skit to begin.

The characters are ready with their masks!

Pogo the Magician introduces their first prop — Magna Tiles!

Pogo says the magic words!

Shivanyaa performs magic on a blue Magna Tile…

…And transforms it!

Yuvaan (Mehra) waves his hand and says the words…

…to perform magic!

Pogo the Magician encourages all the Arthlings to try!

Pogo taking the children on a magical journey.

Rishit scares Yuvaan (Mehra)…

…And Yuvaan (Mehra) scares Rishit back!


  • Fine motor skills

  • Creativity

  • Focus and attention

  • Roleplay

  • Visualization


This class invited the children to turn the lens on their insides! The process of mask-making was an exercise in visualizing the inner self. Each Arthling’s identity was reflected in their choice of colours, design, and masked character!
With Pogo the Magician, the kids’ imaginations took centre stage. While mask-making allowed the children to express themselves through art, the skit encouraged self-expression through action!
This episode also carried an important message for the children — ‘You Can Be Whoever You Want to Be!’
Stay tuned for the next episode of ‘A Book About Me’ at Arth Hours!