Rice Treasure Hunt

DATE: Apr 29, 2022, Friday
PARTICIPANTS: Mysha, Ditya, Shivyah, Uddhav, Viaan, Jaxay, Miraya, Kiaan, Aadhya Kedia


  • Colored rice

  • Objects (puzzle pieces and grapats)

  • Double sided tape

  • Trays


Colored rice were used, which were made by the children themselves on a different day as a part of a sensory activity. The different puzzle pieces and grapats were stuck on the tray using a double sided tape. The tray was then covered with the premade colored rice. The tray was kept ready by the facilitators from beforehand.


Three tables were set with three trays which were prepared from before. The children were supposed to go through the colored rice and find the hidden objects and pull them out and sort them in different bowls according to the items. As the activity proceeded, we repeated the process of hiding the objects within the colored rice. 


An activity this colorful with fun treasure hunt game, intrigued the children. Along with finding the treasure, the older children were also sorting different items in different bowls. All of them participated and enjoyed the activity and wanted to continue with the activity.


We made sure that none of the children consumed the coloured rice or the small objects that were hidden.


Fine Motors Skills - Looking for objects in the treasure hunts requires children to dig through the colored rice and take out the treasure. For this, they need to use their fine motor muscles present in their hands.

Cognitive Skills -  During this activity, children have to follow the process of looking for treasures in colored rice by listening to instruction by the facilitator. They also get to explore new ways of revealing and hiding objects within the colored rice..

Sensory Skills - Colored rice has a dry texture which makes it easier for the children to explore. Identification of the object and sorting allows children to complete the task of finding the hidden objects.