
Language & Literacy Development in the Early Years

Language & Literacy Development in the Early Years

Since ages, we have constantly been getting requests to organise a workshop that offers a progressive view on a child’s literacy journey.

Finally, to honour your requests, we reached out to Samara, our mentor, an ace educator, a reading specialist, the founder of SparkEd, and so much more, to help us. She agreed to travel to Kolkata for a weekend and take a 3-hour session exclusively for parents of arth. We’ll tell you more about Samara and the workshop in a bit. But before that, the details regarding the workshop.

Date: September 25, 2022; Sunday
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Venue: Arth Early Learning Spaces
Contribution: ₹ 3000/- (₹ 2000/- for parents of arthlings)

This workshop is for parents of children between 1.5 years to 5 years of age. Samara will be sharing practical ideas that you can implement at home to help develop your child’s emergent language and literacy skills! More details are below.

About Samara


You can read her full bio in detail on her website.

About the workshop

Laying strong foundations for language and literacy development is crucial in the early years. During this interactive and engaging session parents will understand:

  • How to to support their child’s awareness of sounds (phonological awareness).

  • A systematic and structured approach to introducing the sound symbol relationship (phonics) in a multisensory joyful way.

  • The beginning stages of reading and strategies that help develop fluency and comprehension.

  • How to strengthen beginning writing skills.

  • How to cultivate a joy for reading.

Samara will be sharing practical ideas that you can implement at home to help develop your child’s emergent language and literacy skills

Register here! You will be redirected to a payment page to complete your registration. Your enrolment will be considered final only after a payment confirmation.